Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Time Flies!!

Wow! I can't believe it's been so long since my last post. It's strange how much easier it seemed while I was staying in Toronto in May. Maybe I thought I was doing more interesting things there, while being at home seems to be the same day in and day out. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't do interesting things...well at least interesting to me, I guess they just seem more average. It's odd how much more I seemed to do by myself while in TO. Now that I'm back home, I'm back in the "Oh, I don't want to do that by myself" mode. I just missed Nazareth and Chilliwack in concert since I didn't want to go by myself. I suppose some things are just better when shared with good friends. I did, however make up for the lack of Nazareth/Chilliwack, by spending the day with Tena in Ottawa, then going to her brother in laws for their annual outdoor party, (band on a flat bed and all), then back to Tena and Paul's for an interesting round of the You Might be a Redneck board game. After we finished the game, I think Paul won, we sat around the table reading the rest of the You Might be a Redneck cards...we had some good belly laughs...especially since we related to some of the cards, (not sure if I should be admitting this lol).

I've also been a little melancholy lately. I think I've been reflecting a lot...which I suppose may mean I've been thinking about the past. I know, I know, the past is gone, but sometimes you just can't help but wonder.
Have you ever had a love in your life that you could no longer have, but seem unable to forget? You ponder the life they are living now, feeling the person they are with now, is living the life that was supposed to be yours...especially when the two of you still get along great. Oh, boy! Am I ever getting sappy! Sometimes...okay, often, I get way too far into my head LOL!

On a brighter note, I get my granddaughter for our first overnight this Friday. This should be interesting. I haven't had a baby overnight in a very long time. I'm also bringing her to a family BBQ in Carleton Place on Sunday, so I should be good and pooped by the time Monday rolls around.

I better finish off before I turn this into something that needs chapters...I know, too late. I hope everyone is doing well, and I hope someone will leave me a comment so I know I'm not the only one who reads my ramblings :)
