Sunday, May 17, 2009

The view from here

I should have posted yesterday, as I've taken lots of pictures I'd love to share, but...maybe over the next day or two. I found the goslings, along with a few other things, here they are:

I just caught this guy as he was taking off.

This fellow was coming in for a landing, he got behind the bushes before I was able to snap the shot.

These little fellows have already grown a lot since I first saw them.

This is from Lee and Pauline's window
Just another pretty bud, you can even see a bug on the far side of the bud in the foreground.
I do believe this fellow was vougueing, (<--I don't think that's quite a word, but it works), for me

Yesterday, after another nice walk, (albeit a little wet), in the morning, I decided to go to the third weekend of the Festival of Chefs at The Cheese Boutique. I've never liked lamb, but chef John Higgins did some sort of pulled lamb with caramelized onions, on a baguette, (I'll check the Boutique's blog later to see if it's posted yet, and get back to you with better details). Oh my goodness, was it ever good! I didn't try the wine this time, as they were temporarily out of glasses (imagine)! I'm sure it was a lovely wine, I guess I'll just never know lol.
Before I headed to The Boutique, I thought I'd check a couple of the crafty type blogs/sites I follow, and stumbled across a thread in a forum discussing where to by copics...preferably cheap. Now, I had heard of Curry's before (again from Christine at and had checked out their website when I was at home. Little did I know, there is a Curry's hardly 10 minutes away from here (I'm still at my brother's in Toronto), oh joy! I headed to Curry's to pick up a couple more Copic markers, which I did only get a couple, (man I hate budgeting), but I will definitely be stopping in again before I go home! I made a quick stop at the Boutique, and Sobey's then it was home to play (scrapbook). Today I may just scrap some more since I actually got a page done yesterday (notoriously slow scrapper here). I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their long weekend. Oh, and does anyone know if the Sunday of the May 24 weekend (today), is national "I better get out and start jogging again" day, or something. Holy cow! there were joggers everywhere! Many were in packs!

p.s. I think I ended up showing most of the better pics I got, so you'll have to stay tuned to see if I get anymore.

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